07 April 2011

is it possible?

Thus far in my experiment I haven't been able to go one full day without someone mentioning FaceBook, or seeing something related to FaceBook. Four seperate things came up today.

1. My previous post. Look yourself.
2. I saw this news article. It basically says the US government is trying to get rid of the 5 level alert system for terrorists and such. They'll bring it down to two levels and, if appropriate, they would post the alerts on FaceBook and Twitter.
The new terror alerts would also be published online using Facebook and Twitter "when appropriate," the plan said, but only after federal, state and local government leaders have already been notified.
It's a good way to get information out quicker, but I feel like people won't take it as seriously. That kind of stuff should be plastered on our TV's and on the front page of Google, newspapers and magazines. I guess I just get irked when people take FaceBook super seriously (like it's 'real life'), so this concept appears ridiculous.
3. In my Creative Nonfiction class, one of my classmates printed and taped little labels that said, "(her name) likes this" all around campus. She happened to put one on the podium in that class. It's hard for me to pay attention. All I can think about is how much she likes that podium...
4. Text from Jordan: Ugh. You don't have FaceBook. Come over when you have a spare minute. What could it possibly be? Oh, let me guess, another attractive girl who has big boobs in her profile picture?! Hmmm.

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