18 April 2011

Day 15

You all knew it was coming (and by you all I mean Lizzie and Carly, because you were at lunch with me today):

You don't have to be FaceBook friends in order to be real friends.

We were all sitting with Mohammed (a friend who works with us at the library) and Carly was saying something about pictures from last weekend and how they'll be on FaceBook. Then she got all grumpy-goose complaining about how they aren't FaceBook friends. Mohammed calmly replies, "Well, if you send me a request I'm not going to deny it..." He just doesn't seek them out, which is admirable.

It's like the week before starting college, and everyone who is also an incoming freshman decides to add you on FaceBook. Then, half way into the school year, you realize you've never actually seen some of the people you've added. Let the defriending spree begin!

FaceBook is so dumb.

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